Bārtas Krasts

Location: Latvia
Wind speed: 105 km/h
Construction: 2018
Max temp.: +30 C°
Service: Camping/Glamping
Min temp.: -25 C°
Climate: Temperate
Annual Precipitation: 696 mm
11 glamping tents
Dark Soil

Project overview

Glamping “Bārtas krasts” is located in the south of Latvia and is located in a picturesque place next to the Bārtas river. The owners’ plan was to create glamping with well-designed tents so that customers could comfortably enjoy the sounds of the river and the forest. It was successful because the glamping is busy all season.

Option List

Currently, glamping customers can relax in eight "Barta 40", four "Barta 26" tents with lofts for families and three "Triangle 13" tents for couples. In the near future, the owners and the glamphouse team plan to install more tents.